Fire Department Purchases Replacement Pumper Truck
We are pleased to announce that the Board has approved the purchase of a pumper truck that will replace our very old pumper truck that has become unreliable. The Township has been saving for this purchase for a few years. We would like to thank our residents for supporting the millage for emergency services that has provided some of the funds that will be used for this purchase.
Chief Bill Oglesby presented a few options for trucks that would meet the needs of our department as well as fit in our current fire hall without major construction changes. The Board approved the purchase of one of these trucks at the September meeting and Chief Oglesby will be working to get the truck delivered and prepared for use in the very near future.

Burning Permit Information
I would like to remind people to be careful with outside burning. Winds can suddenly pick up and a small fire can very quickly get out of hand. If this happens, call 911 immediately. Getting some help right away is the best way to extinguish a fire that gets out of control.
If you plan to burn you must first check with the DNR. This is easily done on-line by going to and clicking on the map.
Special conditions or restrictions for our county will be displayed. Generally the 3 conditions are:
* Open burning
* Restricted burning (generally after 6 p.m.)
* No burning
Homeowners who burn their own trash are reminded to keep an eye on their trash barrel when in use. According to the DNR the barrel MUST also have a lid with openings no larger the ¾ inch. Open “burning barrels” account for a large number of wildland fires.
You may also call the local DNR office at 635-5281.
The National Fire Protection Agency sponsors a program called “Firewise”. This program describes to homeowners how to prepare and protect themselves in the event of a Wild Fire. Every year, in our county several structures are lost to wildland fires. We have seen large wild land fires happen in other neighboring counties, Newberry for one. Knowing what to do prior to a fire is essential. For more information consult the NFPA website at
Lastly, we would like to thank the Fire Department Members themselves. We are very fortunate to have a great group of knowledgeable, dedicated volunteers. They are the reason we have such a great Fire Department in Dafter Township.

Township Rentals
The Dafter Township Hall is available to rent for many occasions.
CLICK HERE for more information about Township Rentals.